Time Zones 4 Unit 1 Homework

  1. 1. Nancy likes to write about my favorite video games in my online __.
  2. 3. Romi's mom has all kinds of __, like necklaces and rings.
  3. 5. Cody always loses at __ __, especially Monopoly.
  4. 9. Odin tried to __ eggs on the stove and almost burned down his house.
  5. 11. Micky is a very __ person. He hates to lose.
  6. 13. Flicka is going to __ __ with her friends tonight at the park.
  7. 15. Grace will __ a dance in front of the entire school for the Christmas show.
  8. 17. Melody has a __ of stamps from different years in history.
  9. 18. Julia likes to __ around the park in the morning before school to exercise.
  10. 21. The only __ __ that Ruby uses is Instagram.
  11. 24. Your score will be better if you __ more in class.
  12. 26. If you have free time, you should __ in your community.
  13. 27. Derek's dad has wooden __ of ships in glass bottles.
  14. 28. Exercising every day can sometimes be very __.
  15. 30. Howard will __ __ for the basketball team this year.
  16. 31. Jason's __ is playing video games online with friends.
  1. 1. I am so __! There is nothing to do!
  2. 2. Veronica's mom asked her to __ __ with some chores around the house.
  3. 4. Don't forget to turn on the oven before you __ a cake.
  4. 6. Adoni has all kinds of DC __ __, like Superman and Batman.
  5. 7. You have to try to be __ after sitting at a computer all day!
  6. 8. Meeting with someone __ __ these days is difficult because of the coronavirus.
  7. 10. I __ __ if the light is on when I am falling asleep because I can sleep through anything.
  8. 12. Tiffany's __ in the school club stopped when she had too much schoolwork to do.
  9. 14. Having long hair is a fashion __ among young men.
  10. 16. That boy moves in a very __ way. He might have a computer in his brain.
  11. 19. I don't like to __ because I am shy.
  12. 20. Derek likes to __ Star Wars legos. He has a lot of different space ships!
  13. 22. Henry __ __ KPOP music. He turns it off when it starts playing.
  14. 23. Max watches Netflix in his __ time.
  15. 25. I am not __d in any sports because I hate exercise.
  16. 29. Good schools will use new kinds of __ in the classroom.