TimeZones 2 Unit 4-6

  1. 1. The math problem was extremely __________ and I couldn't figure it out.
  2. 4. Mayday is the most famous ______ in Taiwan.
  3. 5. The trainer gave the command and the dog immediately sat down and waited for its next -----.
  4. 11. The __________ of the dog was overjoyed when they were reunited after the animal went missing.
  5. 12. There are at _____ a few 7-11's on every street in Taipei.
  6. 14. ______ found that studying helps you learn more.
  7. 17. The magician performed an impressive __________ for the audience.
  8. 18. dog The __________ dog was trained to search for survivors in disaster areas.
  9. 21. Mr. Becker made us _____ in class.
  10. 23. She is incredibly ----- and always seems to know the right answer.
  11. 24. The loyal dog followed its owner's ----- without hesitation.
  12. 26. The __________ man sat on the couch all day, not wanting to do any work.
  13. 28. dog The __________ led the blind man safely down the busy street.
  14. 29. Siberia, Russia is the coldest _____ place on earth.
  15. 32. Mr. Becker is an ______ teacher, I love him.
  16. 34. studies You can learn about history and geography in _______ class.
  17. 35. Nick Middleton is an _____.
  18. 36. If you don't want to be cold, wear _____.
  19. 39. The Amazon River is _____er during the dry season.
  20. 41. The company prides itself on being _____ and not being influenced by outside forces.
  21. 42. I am in the _____ dance club at school
  22. 48. If you hold a baby, be _____.
  23. 51. season In Taiwan, the ____ goes from May to September.
  24. 52. The __________ shook the ground and caused widespread destruction.
  25. 53. My brother is ______ on joining the basketball team. He practices every day.
  26. 54. I have ----- in his abilities and know that he will make the right decision.
  27. 56. BTS is the most famous Kpop ______ in the world.
  28. 57. We all have to sing one _____ song for our music class.
  29. 61. _____ music uses technology to make sounds.
  30. 63. My brother moved out and got his own house after he ______ from college.
  31. 64. There is a lot of sand in the _____.
  32. 66. Nick Middleton explores _____ places, like Siberia.
  33. 68. We will have a special ______ for Christmas. Everyone can write a letter to Santa Claus.
  34. 69. Stinky cheese tastes ______, I hate it.
  1. 2. I hate _____ music, but my mom still makes me play violin.
  2. 3. The weather can ______ very quickly. Yesterday was hot and today it is freezing!
  3. 6. person She's definitely a ----- - she has five cats and even has a Instagram account for them.
  4. 7. Vatican City is the smallest ______ in the world.
  5. 8. What _____ of Taiwan are you favorite?
  6. 9. You can make ____ from animal skins.
  7. 10. There are many different _____ of birds that live in Taiwan.
  8. 13. The tall __________ had over 40 floors!
  9. 15. It is not healthy to sit in class all day. You need to make sure to have at least 15 minutes of ______ every hour.
  10. 16. Every country has a different _____.
  11. 19. stand I ______ when my classmates are too loud. It makes me really angry.
  12. 20. Many people consider their ----- to be members of their family and provide them with the same care and affection.
  13. 22. I completely ----- with your opinion on the matter.
  14. 24. There are seven _____s on earth.
  15. 25. I know how to play two ______(s): piano and guitar.
  16. 26. The sat on a tree and ate a bug
  17. 27. If you have too many school books your backpack will be _____.
  18. 28. You can learn about different countries in ______.
  19. 30. Inside Out is a movie about all of the ______ in a little girl's head.
  20. 31. person He's a total ----- - he takes his dog on hikes and to the dog park every day.
  21. 33. If you listen to too much loud music, you will go ______.
  22. 37. During the rainy season, some parts of the Amazon are 190 kilometers _____.
  23. 38. There are 2.5 million kinds of _____s in the Amazon.
  24. 40. The students were __________ in their seats, not paying attention to the teacher.
  25. 43. The ----- kitten chased a ball of yarn around the room, batting at it with its paws.
  26. 44. pan The Little Mermaid has a lot of ______ music.
  27. 45. My dad wants me to have a ______ as a doctor, but I want to be a singer.
  28. 46. The class was so ----- that I fell asleep.
  29. 47. Some of the worst _____ in the world happen in India.
  30. 49. If you want to find the treasure, you need a _____.
  31. 50. My mom doesn't want me to play a ______ instrument. She says they are too loud.
  32. 55. I want to go to the BlackPink ______, but it is too expensive.
  33. 58. She was __________ and couldn't see anything in front of her.
  34. 59. English is the most _____ language on earth.
  35. 60. The dog was well-_____ and didn't cause any problems.
  36. 62. Write the numbers of each place on the ____ continent.
  37. 65. _____ music has loud guitars and screaming singers.
  38. 67. She was an __________ on the topic and knew more than anyone else in the room.