Tin foil hats-all small case, no spaces, includes dashes

  1. 2. eliminated COVID from her country
  2. 4. do not drink this to cure covid Donald
  3. 6. wonders where COVID 1-18 were
  4. 11. renamed condensation
  5. 12. a low/dead dose of a pathogen to create immunity
  6. 13. believes landing here was fake
  7. 14. documenting a chain of infection
  8. 16. Believes right to unrestrained sneezing
  9. 17. an order allowing CMO to close schools
  1. 1. doesn't believe earth is round
  2. 3. when enough people become immune to end this
  3. 5. falsely believed to cure COVID
  4. 7. should you get a vaccine?
  5. 8. mutated version of original virus
  6. 9. leader who calls his citizens whiners
  7. 10. Plans to die of the mumps
  8. 15. believes this country invented the virus
  9. 18. scientist who studies epidemics/pandemics