Tissues and Systems

  1. 1. system that carries signals to and from the brain
  2. 4. system that supports the body and protects organs
  3. 7. tissue made up of neurons
  4. 10. tissue that lines the inside and outside of your body
  5. 15. system whose function is to create offspring
  6. 16. system that makes and circulates white blood cells to fight infection
  7. 17. system that makes hormones to regulate body functions
  8. 18. system that defends the body from foreign invaders
  9. 19. muscle found only in your heart
  1. 2. muscle tissue that lets you voluntarily control movement
  2. 3. involuntary muscle found in organs
  3. 5. system responsible for movement
  4. 6. system that breaks down food so the body can use the nutrients
  5. 8. system that moves blood throughout the body
  6. 9. system that takes in oxygen and removes carbon dioxide from the body
  7. 11. system that protects the body from the outside environment
  8. 12. system that filters blood and removes waste
  9. 13. tissue that holds the body together
  10. 14. tissue that is made of cells that are able to contract