TKAMB vocab 3

  1. 3. the raised platform or lectern from which a preacher speaks in church
  2. 4. to quiet or pacify
  3. 6. breathe, inspire, spirit
  4. 9. sections of replacement teeth that can be inserted and removed from one's mouth
  5. 10. tree-dwelling lizards that have the ability to change the color of their skin to fit their surroundings
  6. 12. to stare at a person with your mouth open
  7. 14. an agreement silently agreed upon
  8. 15. education, instruction
  9. 16. questioning, prying
  10. 18. stupid, silly
  1. 1. gruesome, horrible
  2. 2. also called a silk tree, a mimosa can be either a tree or shrub
  3. 3. calmly, quietly
  4. 4. a type of arguing where you avoid the main point by bringing up pretty details
  5. 5. sad and gloomy
  6. 7. sincere affection and kindness
  7. 8. generous thought or gift
  8. 11. favorable
  9. 13. kind and gentle
  10. 17. enough, satisfy