To the moon and back

  1. 1. "That's one small step for man,one giant ... for mankind"
  2. 3. Time Apollo 11 mission last
  3. 7. Name of the first animal to go into space
  4. 8. The world's first artificial satellite
  5. 10. What Armstrong planting on the moon
  6. 12. Where Armstrong step down
  1. 2. "We choose to go to the moon in this decade not because is...,but because is hard"
  2. 4. The other participant in the space race apart from the Americans
  3. 5. The first human being to travel into space
  4. 6. Process of making an aircraft airborne
  5. 8. What Apollo 17 set up on the moon
  6. 9. Year of the Apollo 11 mission
  7. 11. Number of Apollo missions after Apollo 11