Tom Thumb

  1. 1. / a magic power word
  2. 3. / a sudden, short intake of breath
  3. 5. / past of fight
  4. 7. / to take food down the throat
  5. 10. / on the back or shoulder
  6. 11. / to flap with the wings
  7. 12. / food used to attract the fish attention to catch it
  8. 15. / celebration with a lot of delicious food
  9. 16. / the short fat finger
  1. 1. / vision
  2. 2. / a seat for a rider on the back of a horse
  3. 4. / a small pointed piece of metal (for sewing clothes)
  4. 6. / a poisonous plant
  5. 8. / to speak sofly and quietly
  6. 9. / to climb using hands and feet
  7. 13. / servant boy
  8. 14. / insect which ikes to eat clothes