Topic 6 Test Review

  1. 3. 1830 act that led to the relocation of Native American tribes to the West
  2. 6. Agreement that temporarily resolved the issue of slavery in new states
  3. 9. Pioneers traveled this route to settle in the Pacific Northwest
  4. 10. 1832-1833 conflict over a southern state's refusal to enforce federal tariffs
  5. 13. Political party that opposed President Jackson and the Democrats
  6. 16. 1828 tariff that caused significant discord between northern manufacturers and southern planters
  7. 18. Nickname for those who flocked to California in search of gold
  8. 19. Nickname for Andrew Jackson, reflecting his tough and stubborn personality
  9. 21. Agreement that led to the acquisition of Florida from Spain
  10. 22. A severe economic downturn that began during Jackson's presidency
  11. 24. President known for overseeing significant territorial expansion of the United States
  12. 25. Texas' nickname after winning independence from Mexico in 1836
  1. 1. Mass migration to California following the discovery of gold in 1848
  2. 2. 19th-century doctrine or belief that the expansion of the US throughout the American continents was both justified and inevitable
  3. 4. Supreme Court case regarding Native American sovereignties
  4. 5. The only Native American tribe that successfully resisted removal to the West
  5. 7. Mission in San Antonio, site of a famous battle in the Texas Revolution
  6. 8. War between Mexico and Texan colonists, resulting in Texan independence
  7. 11. 1824 election controversy, hinting at an under-the-table deal
  8. 12. Battle that secured Texas independence from Mexico
  9. 14. Practice of rewarding political supporters with public office
  10. 15. Seventh President of the United States, known for his populist policies
  11. 17. Forced westward migration of Cherokee and other tribes
  12. 20. Jackson's campaign against the Second Bank of the United States
  13. 23. Early explorers of the Western United States, often fur trappers
  14. 24. Sixth President of the United States, played a key role in the 'Corrupt Bargain'