Topic B

  1. 2. where researchers views do not affect information gathered
  2. 6. where researcher is affecting the information gathered
  3. 7. the idea that a yound boy will have unconscious desires about his mother
  4. 8. refers to whether findings from a study would be found again if the study was repeated
  5. 9. a gap between the dendrites of two neurons
  6. 13. chemical released at the terminal button
  7. 14. ethical guideline which insures names are not recorded
  8. 15. refers to findings of studies and if they can be true of others
  9. 17. how the dreamer builds a story
  10. 21. when thoughts from the unconscious are represented in the dream by one symbol
  11. 22. when something is made central in a dream
  12. 23. the cable that leads from a neuron
  1. 1. Hobson and McCarley's Theory
  2. 3. Freud's therapy
  3. 4. a stage of sleep that occurs five times a night
  4. 5. a statement of what the study is being carried out to find
  5. 10. what the dream is said to be about by the dreamer
  6. 11. ethical guideline whih insures information is not shared without consent
  7. 12. data involving stories or attitudes
  8. 16. any memory that is not true
  9. 18. a cell which send information around the body
  10. 19. the meaning of the dream
  11. 20. data data that involves numbers or stats
  12. 21. a research method studying an individual or small group