Towards a Pedagogy of Grammar Instruction (Principles)

  1. 2. Provide Opportunities for Meaningful __ Practice
  2. 5. Use __ to Explore Texts
  3. 6. Teach __ of the Nature of Texts
  4. 7. Use the __ of the Internet and Technology
  5. 8. Identify the __ Resources the Learners Need
  6. 9. Provide Opportunities for __ Noticing
  7. 10. Use Student ___ to Inform Instruction
  8. 11. Provide Opportunities for Students to Produce __
  1. 1. Integrate Grammar With the __
  2. 3. Develop Awareness of Differences between __ Language
  3. 4. Use a Variety of Teaching __
  4. 9. Make Links between __ and Vocabulary