Toxins in Water and the Environment

  1. 2. True or false: climate change is influencing the type and quantity of marine toxins we come in contact with.
  2. 5. This compound can be found concentrated in fish, and is a powerful toxin of the central nervous system.
  3. 8. This is one of the most potent natural poisons, often found in lakes. It's named after the color that the algae produces...
  4. 9. Organophosphates can spill off into water supplies, requiring the use of this drug to reverse the symptoms.
  5. 12. These chemicals were introduced in the 1940s via the manufacturing industry, and are currently being evaluated for their ability to cause cancer, infertility, and immunocompromise. They are present in drinking water, air, food, and soil, and take years to break down.
  6. 13. This chemical toxin is used to manufacture fireworks and rocket propellants. Its effects include inhibiting iodine absorption by thyroid glands, which can cause learning disabilities in children.
  7. 16. Rain can cause organophosphates to run off into bodies of water. What are the effects of organophosphates on acetylcholinesterase?
  8. 18. The world's most venomous fish, the stonefish, produces a toxin that disrupts which ion channels?
  9. 19. There are reports of patients getting this treatment contaminated with cyanobacteria that has resulted in hepatic failure.
  10. 20. The EPA’s Superfund program is responsible for cleaning up some of the nation’s most contaminated land and responding to environmental emergencies, oil spills and natural disasters. Which state has the most number of Superfund sites?
  1. 1. What is the best treatment for tetrodotoxin?
  2. 3. Shellfish poisoning can result in diarrhea, vomiting, headache, and loss of what?
  3. 4. The stonefish secretes a neurotoxin from this anatomical location. Be careful where you put your feet in a coral reef- you just might encounter one!
  4. 6. This jellyfish has been deemed the "world's most venomous creature". Its toxin can causes cells to leak potassium, resulting in rapid hyperkalemia, cardiovascular collapse, and death in as quickly as 2 minutes!
  5. 7. When a volcano erupts, there is a concern for this element to dissipate and cause acute symptoms like nasal and ocular inflammation, pulmonary edema, or cardiac arrhythmia.
  6. 8. This element revolutionized purification of water for drinking purposes.
  7. 10. There's a reason why a sushi chef has to train for years!
  8. 11. Tetrodotoxin inhibits what type of channels?
  9. 14. This TB drug has also been shown to be an effective antidote against cyanotoxins.
  10. 15. Scombroid poisoning occurs as a result of this compound. Hint: it's converted from histidine via bacterial overgrowth in the fish...
  11. 17. This carcinogenic compound is produced from the decay of uranium and thorium in rocks.