Trade and Quality of Life

  1. 3. things like healthcare and education that the government pays for to improve quality of life
  2. 5. the increasing connectedness of countries in the exchange of goods and services
  3. 7. people who buy and use products
  4. 11. a system where producers consumers and distributors work to make sure all people involved in productions are paid fairly
  5. 13. lack of this leads to rapid population growth in developing countries
  6. 17. the roads bridges airports power lines and other vitally important parts of a country that help the economy succeed
  7. 19. people who transport and sell products to consumers
  8. 22. when women are not treated as well as men in a country it is called this
  9. 23. people in some developing countries have lots of children because of this
  10. 24. money that newly independent countries borrow from wealthier countries to try and improve the quality of life
  1. 1. lands owned by the government that can be purchased by companies to get resources
  2. 2. type of industry that involves getting resources from the environment
  3. 4. massive layoffs by a company to reduce costs and keep profits high
  4. 6. hiring companies in countries where workers make much less money or hiring cntract workers to keep costs down
  5. 8. some countries encourage people to have lots of children to increase the size of this
  6. 9. the amount of money a business makes
  7. 10. when governments steal money or accept bribes in exchange for contracts
  8. 12. having more of this often results in girls having fewer children
  9. 14. when countries like Britain took over colonies to gain access to resources
  10. 15. money given illegally to government officials by others to gain access to contracts or other privileges
  11. 16. people who make products for others to buy
  12. 18. the exchange of goods and services between countries around the world
  13. 20. making it easy for citizens to see how the government is spending tax money
  14. 21. one of the most important things government need to help provide for citizens