Trade Barriers and Agreements

  1. 8. Countries in free _______ zones agree to lower trade barriers.
  2. 11. Founded to make global trading more free.
  3. 12. Banning all trade with a nation.
  4. 13. Free trade agreement in south america and the carribean.
  5. 14. The nation that the US sanctioned and embargoed in 1960.
  6. 15. Protectionism attempts to protect our national _______.
  7. 19. A limit placed on the amount of a good that can be imported.
  8. 21. Domestic industries are protected by tariffs because they raise prices on _______.
  9. 22. A cycle of escalating trade barriers between nation.
  10. 24. Multinational corporations seek to avoid shipping costs and _______.
  11. 25. depression The event the led to the SmootHawley Act.
  12. 29. Early US president who favored the use of tariffs.
  13. 32. Unemployment will do this during a trade war.
  14. 33. Actions a nation or group takes in order to punish another nation.
  15. 34. Group of european who have a trade agreement.
  16. 35. Free trade agreement between countries on the pacific rim.
  17. 36. The use of trade barriers to shield a nation’s domestic industry.
  18. 38. Free trade agreement between US central america and dominican republic.
  1. 1. Tariffs used to be the main source of our nation’s _________.
  2. 2. The trade war between the US and Europe over meat standards.
  3. 3. The agreement for world trade that was reached after World War II.
  4. 4. Failed free trade zone of north and south america.
  5. 5. A trade war between the US and Europe affecting our metal industry.
  6. 6. Placing a voluntary quota on the amount of a good exported to a nation is a voluntary export ________.
  7. 7. Some countries require you to have these to sell goods in their country.
  8. 9. Trade barriers are used to shield our _______ producers.
  9. 10. Prices will do this under a trade agreement.
  10. 15. The act that caused the worst trade war in US history, also raised tariffs to almost 50%.
  11. 16. Industries in their early stages of development.
  12. 17. Protectionism seeks to protect the _____ of workers.
  13. 18. The lowering or elimination of trade barriers.
  14. 20. A tax on imported goods.
  15. 23. A means of preventing a foreign product or service from freely entering a nation’s territory.
  16. 26. We protect our national security by ensuring we have the resources vital to our nation’s _______.
  17. 27. These increase as a result of trade barriers.
  18. 28. Free trade agreement between several south american nations.
  19. 30. Hardship the effect of trade wars over time.
  20. 31. Corporations based in multiple countries.
  21. 37. Free trade agreement between US canada and mexico.
  22. 39. South eastern asian free trade zone.