
  1. 4. Unreliable Pump
  2. 5. Poles & fly
  3. 7. Country roads, take me home
  4. 9. The lifeblood of the TRTA
  5. 11. Acronym for a very long western trail
  6. 12. Hawaiian lake in Desolation Wilderness
  7. 15. Foreign friend of miles
  8. 16. Not the frontcounty, but...
  1. 1. A superhero dressed as a nocturnal pollinator
  2. 2. Clean water
  3. 3. Horse, Big, Tahoe, Page, High
  4. 6. Above sea level
  5. 8. Ringed tail, bandit mask
  6. 10. No Trace
  7. 13. The main species of pine found in the Tahoe Basin
  8. 14. The type of bear we have in Lake Tahoe