Traits of Writing

  1. 4. Ideas are the ___ of a piece of writing
  2. 6. Word Choice (starts with v, ends with y)
  3. 7. Sentences that are grammatically correct
  4. 9. Argumentative essays are formatted this way
  5. 10. Sentence Fluency (starts with d, ends with e)
  6. 14. Sentence fluency is the ___ and flow of a writing piece
  7. 16. No two people have the same
  8. 18. Structure given to a piece
  9. 19. Flip on the switch
  10. 20. Sentence Fluency: How it ___!
  1. 1. Word ___ adds variety and enthusiasm to your sentences
  2. 2. Presentation is the overall ___ of the writing
  3. 3. Ideas take the reader on a what?
  4. 5. Ideas should not be ___.
  5. 8. Write on, write off, revise
  6. 11. Conventions are usually thought of as what?
  7. 12. Poems have ___.
  8. 13. How it shows
  9. 15. Conventions are like the ___ of a house
  10. 17. A literary device that compares two things using like or as