
  1. 2. synthesizes all RNAs in prokaryotes
  2. 4. synthesizes mRNAs in eukaryotes
  3. 5. the location that the polymerase begins mking mRNA
  4. 10. prokaryotic homolog of the TATA box
  5. 14. It binds the TATA box
  6. 16. It connects Rpb1 with Rpb2 across the central cleft
  7. 17. defines the start of transcription elongation
  8. 19. These are phosphorylated on the C Terminal Domain to regulate polymerase function
  1. 1. it comes after transcription
  2. 3. DNA wrapped around histones
  3. 6. protein used in transcription termination
  4. 7. although polymerases are not strictly conserved in their amino acid sequences, they are _________ conserved
  5. 8. phosphate joined to 3'OH in transcription
  6. 9. dan brown novel concerned with overpopulation
  7. 11. Ion that prokaryotic and Eukaryotic polymerases utilize
  8. 12. It binds divalent cations
  9. 13. mediates binding of prokaryotic polymerase to the promoter region
  10. 15. The termination site is ____________ of the stop codon
  11. 18. sub. of TFIID