Transient and Accident Analysis MCD01

  1. 2. Protect containment integrity by limiting _________ production.
  2. 4. Tech Spec _________ is a vital role of the operator.
  3. 7. Protect the ______ and safety of the public.
  4. 12. ANO reactors are constructed of cylindrical zirconium rods therefore, they must have an _______ system.
  5. 14. 10CFR20 requirements for public __________ .
  6. 15. Protect plant ___________ .
  7. 16. A principle fission product barrier is __________ .
  8. 17. Tech Specs are a part of the operating license that defines the __________ on nuclear plant operation.
  9. 18. Verify ________ with Technical Specifications.
  10. 20. Prevent or _________ offsite releases.
  1. 1. Fuel is no longer in its original _________ defines core damage.
  2. 3. 10CFR100 established limitations considering __________ area.
  3. 5. 10CFR20 established standards for _________ against radiation hazards.
  4. 6. The EOPs provide a __________ approach to the mitigation of accidents.
  5. 8. Key plant parameter to verify inventory control is containment _________ level.
  6. 9. Critical Safety Functions needed to control __________ .
  7. 10. Shine from activity in __________ .
  8. 11. _________ of Radionuclides.
  9. 13. Defense in Depth has 4 identified levels, prevention, mitigation, ___________ , emergency response.
  10. 19. SAR assumptions utilize parameters at __________ for "worse case".