transport 1

  1. 2. a large boat for traveling on water, especially across a sea
  2. 3. an ​aircraft consisting of a very ​large ​bag ​filled with ​heated ​air or other ​gas, with a basket (= ​container) ​hanging under it in which ​people can ​ride
  3. 4. a small ship for a small crew with one or more ​sheets of ​material ​attached to a ​pole on it to ​catch the ​wind and make the it ​move
  4. 5. a ​large ​aircraft without ​wings, used ​especially in the past, consisting of a ​large ​bag ​filled with ​gas that is ​lighter than ​air and ​driven by ​engines. Passengers were ​carried in a ​structure ​hanging below.
  5. 6. a vehicle designed for air travel, with wings and one or more engines
  6. 8. a ​large cylinder-shaped ​object that ​moves very ​fast by ​forcing out ​burning ​gases, used for ​space ​travel or as a ​weapon
  7. 10. an aircraft that is able to fly incredibly fast
  1. 1. a ​railway ​engine ​connected to​ carriages for ​carrying ​people or to ​wheeled ​containers for ​carrying ​goods
  2. 2. a ship that can travel underwater
  3. 3. a type of aircraft without wings, with one or two sets of large blades that go round very fast on top; it can land and take off vertically and can stay in one place in the air.
  4. 7. an ​underground ​electric ​railway ​system in some ​cities
  5. 9. a ​small, ​light, ​narrow ​boat, ​pointed at both ​ends and ​moved using a ​paddle (= a ​short ​pole with a ​flat ​blade)