Travel dialogue

  1. 2. to enjoy
  2. 3. Ida y vuelta round trip
  3. 5. to put
  4. 7. sencilla twin bed
  5. 9. de vuelo flight attendant
  6. 10. bellhop
  7. 12. happiness
  8. 15. last name
  9. 17. to stay
  10. 19. to land
  11. 20. cancellation
  12. 22. to take off
  13. 24. Bill
  14. 26. to turn in
  15. 27. Lo mejor maybe
  16. 29. excited
  17. 31. en una tarjeta de crédito charge on a credit card
  18. 33. de Mano carry-on luggage
  19. 34. de viajes travel agency
  20. 35. agent
  21. 36. potable drinkable water
  22. 37. to sign
  1. 1. brochure
  2. 4. expense
  3. 6. seat
  4. 7. aérea air company
  5. 8. to board
  6. 11. seguida immediately
  7. 13. space or seat
  8. 14. de seguridad seat belt
  9. 16. emigration
  10. 18. to fasten
  11. 21. confirmation
  12. 23. destination
  13. 25. Where
  14. 26. entrance
  15. 27. airline
  16. 28. to enjoy
  17. 30. lujo luxury
  18. 32. stopover
  19. 34. customs