Trial Procedures

  1. 2. A crime where there is a breach of the Geneva conventions.
  2. 7. The type of statement that provides a summary and relates it back to the law during a trial.
  3. 11. The rule of evidence occurs when the judge decides if evidence should not be allowed in court.
  4. 13. A trial principle where people accused of an offence are entitled to know what offence they are charged with.
  5. 14. A verdict acquitting the accused after the Crown closes its case where there is insufficient evidence.
  6. 16. The system Canada follows when charging a person with a criminal offence.
  7. 17. A trial principle where there must be a case for the Crown that can support a conviction.
  8. 19. The type of statement that provides the Judge with information on the issues and evidence of the case that will be presented to the court during a trial.
  1. 1. A process where a case is dismissed because no reasonable person could find the accused guilty with the evidence.
  2. 3. The criminal offence of lying in court.
  3. 4. International Preliminary hearings must be held within how many days?
  4. 5. Eighth event in a trial process in Canada.
  5. 6. The system Europe follows when charging a person with a criminal offence.
  6. 8. A crime where there is an intention to destroy a national, ethnic, racial or religious group.
  7. 9. A hearing held by the court to decide whether there is enough evidence to send to trial.
  8. 10. Pool of potential jurors assembled under provincial legislation (also called the jury panel or jury roll)
  9. 12. Evidence consisting of matters that a witness was told.
  10. 15. The number of members in a Canadian jury.
  11. 18. The type of evidence where an expert applies extensive knowledge and research to the case.