Trickster Tales

  1. 4. Tricksters are known for being a crafty creature or ____________ the order of things.
  2. 5. Trickster Tales use ______________.
  3. 6. Trickster Tales involve violence and _____________.
  4. 8. The most popular Native Americasn Trickster is the _____________.
  5. 9. A trickster can be a ______________ or a villain.
  1. 1. Tricksters are mythical creatures that are __________ supernatural beings.
  2. 2. Trickster Tales explain an aspect of ___________ nature.
  3. 3. In a Trickster Tale, the characteristics of a character go ________ one another.
  4. 7. A Trickster can be fun or _____________.