
  1. 2. We celebrate Jesus' resurrection on _________ Sunday
  2. 4. Does the Easter Vigil begin in LIGHT or DARKNESS?
  3. 7. We remember Jesus' suffering and death on Good ________.
  4. 9. Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday are called the _____________
  5. 10. Symbol of Jesus' Death and Resurrection
  6. 11. Does a LIGHT or DARK cross symbolize Jesus' death?
  1. 1. Does a DECORATED or PLAIN cross symbolize Jesus' resurrection?
  2. 3. We are sprinkled with _______ to remind us of our baptism
  3. 5. Which day of the week is the Easter Vigil?
  4. 6. The sacrament where we are given new life in Jesus
  5. 8. We celebrate the Mass of the Lord's Supper on Holy __________
  6. 10. The Easter ___________ is lit to represent Jesus' resurrection