- 2. We celebrate Jesus' resurrection on _________ Sunday
- 4. Does the Easter Vigil begin in LIGHT or DARKNESS?
- 7. We remember Jesus' suffering and death on Good ________.
- 9. Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday are called the _____________
- 10. Symbol of Jesus' Death and Resurrection
- 11. Does a LIGHT or DARK cross symbolize Jesus' death?
- 1. Does a DECORATED or PLAIN cross symbolize Jesus' resurrection?
- 3. We are sprinkled with _______ to remind us of our baptism
- 5. Which day of the week is the Easter Vigil?
- 6. The sacrament where we are given new life in Jesus
- 8. We celebrate the Mass of the Lord's Supper on Holy __________
- 10. The Easter ___________ is lit to represent Jesus' resurrection