TRIO College Terms

  1. 2. This technical college is in Sioux Falls!
  2. 5. Test you take junior year to get into college
  3. 6. This is a type of financial aid where you get a job on campus, but your wages are paid by the government, not the school
  4. 8. A student's primary subject of study
  5. 9. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (what you fill out to apply for financial aid)
  6. 10. A school that focuses on careers and hands-on learning
  7. 12. This is money you borrow to pay for college (and need to pay back with interest)
  8. 13. Another name for college that offers 4 year degrees
  9. 14. This is money given to you for college that you don't need to pay back (It's a gift from the government!)
  10. 16. Where you live on campus
  1. 1. This type of degree takes 2 years to complete
  2. 3. A student's secondary subject of study
  3. 4. This state school is in Brookings, SD. Home of the Jackrabbits
  4. 5. What you fill out to get into a college
  5. 7. This type of degree takes 4 years to complete
  6. 11. The money you get to help pay for school
  7. 13. This state school is in Vermillion, SD. Home of the Coyotes!
  8. 15. This is what we call people in their first year of college