Tropical Storms and Extreme Weather

  1. 3. Actions taken before a hazard strikes to reduce its impact, such as educating people or improving building design.
  2. 4. Attempts to forecast when and where a natural hazard will strike, based on current knowledge. This can be done to some extent for tropical storms (and volcanic eruptions, but less reliably for earthquakes).
  3. 6. Tropical storm found in south-east Asia and Australia.
  4. 7. Tropical storm found in USA and the Caribbean.
  5. 9. Actions taken to enable communities to respond to, and recover from, natural disasters, through measures such as emergency evacuation plans, information management, communications and warning systems.
  6. 10. The result of Earth's rotation on weather patterns and ocean currents. This effect makes storms swirl clockwise in the Southern hemisphere and counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere.
  1. 1. An area of low pressure with winds moving in a spiral around the calm central point called the eye of the storm. Winds are powerful and rainfall is heavy.
  2. 2. Recording physical changes, such as tracking a tropical storm by satellite, to help forecast when and where a natural hazard might strike
  3. 5. Small area where relatively cold air sinks to the ground and warms up. No clouds here and conditions are calm.
  4. 8. Tropical storms found in Japan and the Philippines