TTT Communication and Literacy

  1. 3. _____ is defined as as persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts.
  2. 5. Parents can support their child’s literacy by using ____ reading to example the basics of reading such as: books are read left-right, turning the page, receptive skills, vocabulary.
  3. 6. Children with intellectual disabilities may need additional ___ time to receive and express language.
  4. 9. A ____ disability that are characterized by limitations in adaptive behavior and intellectual functioning.
  5. 10. The ____ approach uses all forms of language (reading, writing, signing (receptively & expressively), are inter-related.
  1. 1. The ____ approach starts with the basics of reading such as phonics. (Not effective with DHH)
  2. 2. A writing strategy for some students to improve recall, vocabulary and HOTS.
  3. 4. Diagnostic ____ occurs when two disabilities share common indicators and the first identity takes over the identification of the second.
  4. 7. A term applied to describe a stage before conventional reading and writing literacy.
  5. 8. A ___ disability is a disorder that involves one or more the basic psychological processes in understanding or using language, diagnosed when the characteristics cannot be explained by a better diagnosis.