Tuck Everlasting

  1. 2. The Tucks cannot _______
  2. 3. Stranger stole this from the Tucks
  3. 5. Name of town
  4. 9. Mr. Tuck's first name
  5. 11. Mae and Tuck find Winnie in the ______ at the end of the story
  6. 14. Owner of the woods for most of the book
  7. 15. Had a wife and kids in the past
  1. 1. Eventually happened to the woods
  2. 4. Number of children in Winnie's family
  3. 6. Music Winnie's grandma describes the sound that she heard in the woods
  4. 7. Month the book takes place
  5. 8. Keeps people alive forever
  6. 10. The Tuck family gets together every _____ years
  7. 12. Color of stranger's suit
  8. 13. Forever 17 years old