Tuck Everlasting Characters

  1. 4. This character has experienced life, had children and a wife, mature, and strong.
  2. 5. This character is neat and tidy, strict, and controls Winnie.
  3. 8. This character is strict, tidy, thinks the music is elves.
  4. 9. This character is sneaky, smart, wears a yellow suit, a criminal, and likes to trick people.
  5. 10. This character is plain looking, older, nice, protective, and loving.
  1. 1. This character is young, adventurous, lonely, and 11 years old.
  2. 2. This character is wild and free. They are adventurous, 17 years old, lonely, and happy about life.
  3. 3. This character makes a deal with the stranger, worried about Winnie, owns the woods.
  4. 6. This character wishes life was different, negative, tired of life, and older.
  5. 7. This character is good natured, in law enforcement, helps the stranger find Winnie, and lazy.