TV, Movies, and Anime

  1. 2. "Sugar, spice, and everything nice"
  2. 5. kill all the titans, freedom
  3. 7. thunderbolt, pocket monters
  4. 8. T-tower, 5 teenagers
  5. 9. 4 elements, 4 nations
  6. 14. Something in the way
  7. 16. white mask, knife
  8. 18. "I am the one who knocks"
  9. 20. "we'll be there on the double,""no pup too small"
  10. 21. sword-dance, demons
  1. 1. Samuel L Jackson
  2. 3. bird and the cat, rabbit-season
  3. 4. Woodstock, snoopy
  4. 6. shrink-ray, moon-heist
  5. 8. Sam witwicky, black striped camaro
  6. 10. May the 4th, beam sword
  7. 11. Ryan Reynolds
  8. 12. Frycook
  9. 13. shell-shocked, "booya kasha," pizza
  10. 15. Genie
  11. 17. "I'll be back", "hasta la vista baby"
  12. 19. "Make a man out of you," Mushu