  1. 3. Project Canvas
  2. 4. Don’t re-tweet this
  3. 7. One licence for the first five rooms, one for every five thereafter
  4. 8. I’m withdrawing access to my property
  5. 11. Santa's helper
  6. 13. £7.50 licence
  7. 14. Freedom of Information
  8. 16. By George
  9. 17. The box
  10. 18. You push a little button and you make a [two words]
  11. 20. For Scottish independence
  12. 23. I can't see any flames
  13. 25. Eric Pickles disputes "snooping" powers
  14. 27. Supporting blind people
  15. 29. Braveheart contract negotiations [two words]
  16. 30. Last region to turn off analogue services [initials]
  1. 1. Savile inquiry
  2. 2. Value For Money
  3. 5. Double-checking the facts before transmission
  4. 6. Annual black and white licence [two words]
  5. 9. A beacon in stormy seas
  6. 10. The Corporation
  7. 12. Fourth DG in four months
  8. 15. Media buying and planning
  9. 19. Personal Video Recorder
  10. 21. Man’s best friend for information
  11. 22. The Office of Communications
  12. 23. 50 new jobs
  13. 24. Acadamy Awards of Finance & Business
  14. 26. Acquisition, Retention, Lapsed, …
  15. 28. I only use this TV for video games. Honest.