Twentieth Century History - Cold War Confrontation (BBC)
- 3. Number of Soviet soldiers post WWII (2 words)
- 5. Limited amount
- 6. Month Berlin Blockade ended in 1949
- 9. Invading state in Korean War
- 10. June 1950 saw the commencement of the… (2
- 11. Place of negotiations following Germany’s defeat
- 14. Number of highways from west to Berlin
- 15. Number of sectors in Post WWII Germany
- 16. US General dismissed by Truman
- 17. US General at end of Korean War
- 18. Famous Berlin monument … Gate
- 19. Place of Korean peace talks
- 1. Treaty organization of western nations
- 2. July 14 1949 saw explosion of … A-bomb
- 4. Month WWII victory in Europe took place
- 5. Leader of South Korea during Korean War
- 6. American aid plan to Europe post WWII
- 7. Alternate name for a flight path route
- 8. Korea was divided at the 38th …
- 12. Berlin airlift airport
- 13. Speech by Churchill about European division