Twilight Zone Day

  1. 2. Last name of 'Nightmare at 20,000 Feet' actor
  2. 3. The Monsters are due on what street?
  3. 9. An inmate whose fate is solitary confinement on a desert planet receives this gift to help with his loneliness
  4. 10. This show took a parody page out of 'To Serve Man' and introduced Kang and Kodos as man eating aliens
  5. 11. In the 2019 retelling of 'Nightmare at 20,000 Feet' the plane crash is told to Adam Scott's character through what true crime medium?
  6. 12. The purchaser of souls throughout The Twilight Zone
  7. 15. A deadly talking doll
  8. 16. Will Janet finally be pretty in this classic episode? Eye of the what?
  9. 18. Award winning French film turned Twilight Zone episode about a man waiting execution takes place on what Owl named infrastructure
  10. 19. The Grim Reaper manifests as what in the back of Nan's car?
  11. 21. This is the dimension of what?
  1. 1. In the 'After Hours' employees on the ninth floor turn into these still props
  2. 4. Last name of this Blues Brother star from Twilight Zone the Movie
  3. 5. What are the '5 Characters in Search of an Exit?'
  4. 6. 'Time Enough At Last' to read but without these what's the point?
  5. 7. Where a 6 year old boy with telekinetic powers sends people who displease him
  6. 8. The 'People Are Alike All Over' protagonist winds up in what despite his captors performative hospitality?
  7. 11. Acclaimed horror filmmaker who took on the reboot of The Twilight Zone
  8. 13. Grab a coffee in this location for 'Nick of Time' and 'Will The Real Martian Please Stand Up'
  9. 14. Rod
  10. 15. In Family Guy, Rod Serling is accused of stealing this from the neighborhood
  11. 17. In 'A Hundred Yards Over the Rim' a time traveling pioneer brings this modern day invention back to his people
  12. 20. Numerically named post apocalyptic episode that looks at surviving rivals from a catastrophic conflict