Twin Cup

  1. 1. Recent modification made here on MPI
  2. 2. The Kb mission is to create...
  3. 3. uniform standard for securing child seats
  4. 6. when Technicians provide, CP per RO goes up
  5. 8. question seeking broad range of information
  6. 9. State that permits EVs in HOV lanes
  7. 10. Abbr for quick charging method used by Audi
  8. 11. Quickest EV charging currently available
  9. 12. frequency of Audi service marketing ads
  10. 16. Engine Code for 2021 A4 3.0L
  11. 17. indicates a fuel's "anti-knock rating"
  12. 19. Compensates for different wheel speeds
  13. 20. build relationships through trust and...
  14. 21. Facilitates digital information exchange
  15. 22. The vehicle system that regulates speed
  16. 23. The rate at which energy is generated
  1. 1. The value of a product to the customer
  2. 4. Time frame when energy is cheapest
  3. 5. One of the steps in Audi Mobile Service
  4. 7. the "plus 1" customer aspect of Audi SCP
  5. 11. description of e-tronGT driving performance
  6. 13. light-emitting semi-conductor
  7. 14. Brakes that charge an EV's main battery
  8. 15. Current that flows through batteries
  9. 16. the first of four levels of Audi service
  10. 18. VIN designation;built by Audi AG-Germany