Twin Pines Medical Center (TPMC)

  1. 1. Twin Pines' responsibility in managing healthcare resources wisely.
  2. 6. Describes the primary population served by Twin Pines.
  3. 7. Type of services that include everything except overnight hospital stays.
  4. 8. Aim of Twin Pines to provide care that disregards economic or racial barriers.
  5. 10. The act of predicting future healthcare needs at Twin Pines
  6. 12. Type of healthcare at Twin Pines aimed at stopping problems before they start.
  7. 15. Department at Twin Pines that sees high usage among diabetes patients.
  8. 16. The ability of patients to receive healthcare services at Twin Pines.
  1. 2. Remote healthcare service Twin Pines considers to enhance care.
  2. 3. Recommended strategy with other healthcare providers to improve diabetes care.
  3. 4. Condition with significant overutilization of Emergency Department at Twin Pines.
  4. 5. Specialist field not included at Twin Pines but necessary for diabetes care.
  5. 8. Level of involvement Twin Pines seeks from its physicians with patients.
  6. 9. Strategy to allow employees at Twin Pines to effect change.
  7. 11. Type of health center designation held by Twin Pines.
  8. 13. Government insurance system heavily utilized by Twin Pines' community.
  9. 14. What Mr. Raynes left behind, influencing Twin Pines' mission.