Golden Days, Healthy Ways

  1. 4. Prevents the spread of winter illnesses
  2. 7. Type of lighting used to combat SAD
  3. 9. a winter-related mood condition
  4. 11. Important for skin health in dry winter months
  5. 13. Common winter virus
  6. 14. Winter flu shot, for example
  7. 17. Boosting this can help fight winter illnesses
  1. 1. Winter activity that can strain your heart
  2. 2. Factor affecting how cold it feels
  3. 3. Used to treat winter infections
  4. 5. Important for maintaining health in winter
  5. 6. Cold weather can worsen these infections
  6. 8. Cold weather injury to extremities
  7. 10. D Lack of sunlight can lead to a deficiency in winter
  8. 12. Dangerous drop in body temperature
  9. 15. Condition exacerbated in cold weather; difficulty breathing
  10. 16. Seasonal flu can become this in winter