Two Roads Chapter 16

  1. 5. reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little
  2. 6. The Superintendent before Morrell who stole the Navajos stuff and bought new suits
  3. 8. One of the three words in Indian that Pop spoke to Cal and he only said it once.
  4. 9. A hospital
  5. 13. “I blink, fighting back the tears that are ready to flow like a river.”
  6. 14. The type of stories Possum told Cal he likes to read
  7. 15. Possum warned Cal that someone who works at the school, not attends the school will most likely ______ his medal.
  8. 16. “This old _____ tree here’s my favorite.”
  9. 17. Possum’s nickname for Cal
  10. 18. “We don’t _____ no sneak thieves.”
  1. 1. Charles Aird nickname and Cal’s new friend at school
  2. 2. “______” island is the book the old Superintendent took out of the library because he said it gave the boys ideas about running away
  3. 3. "But nothing seems ______ right now, not even the way he is scrunching up his face at me.
  4. 4. “I heard a bunch of ______ were shipped here years back.
  5. 7. “From here on in it just gets ________.”
  6. 10. The name of Cal’s new Native American boarding school
  7. 11. The “Call of the _____” is the book Cal read that helped with his sadness
  8. 12. Every one of the Navajo’s turquoise and silver _____ was stolen as soon as they arrived at the school.