TX Revolution

  1. 2. a cruel general of Mexico
  2. 5. a person who once served in the armed forces
  3. 7. interim officer est.government hq
  4. 8. a government's plans to deal with issues outside the country
  5. 9. money used in a country
  6. 12. farming that provides just enough income to support a farming family
  7. 16. land owned by the government
  8. 18. a crop that is sold for a profit
  1. 1. texas was in one million dollars of this
  2. 2. first president of texas
  3. 3. collections of impotant public documents
  4. 4. second president of texas
  5. 6. time served by a president
  6. 7. a government's plans to deal with issues inside the country
  7. 10. an act of both houses of congress that has the power of law
  8. 11. a nation or state which people elect reprensentatives to govern them
  9. 13. fourth president of texas
  10. 14. the price paid for the use of borrowed money
  11. 15. act of adding or joining a territory to an exsiting one
  12. 17. a group of people who take charge