Types, Elements, & Classifications of Crime Quiz Review

  1. 4. Occupational crime is also known as this type of crime as this type of crime is financially motivated (2 words)
  2. 7. one of the basic elements of a crime: the person has to intend the at when it is committed (5 words)
  3. 12. decisions that were made by judges, not written down, and passed along by word of mouth to help distinguish which actions are criminal beginning in the early 1000s (2 words)
  4. 13. determines what human behaviors/conduct are punishable because they injure society (2 words)
  5. 15. one of the basic elements of a crime: related to the “guilty mind” or mens rea (2 words)
  6. 16. this type of crime includes willing participants who know they are exchanging illegal goods or services
  7. 17. When people use computers and the internet to commit criminal acts, they are committing what types of crime?
  8. 19. fancy word for laws
  9. 20. Percentage or probability needed to find defendant guilty in a civil case (2 words)
  10. 22. A clause in the Fifth Amendment which states that a person cannot be tried for the same crime twice after initially found not guilty (2 words)
  11. 23. one of the elements of mens rea: when a person commits a behavior knowing that result of the criminal behavior could or would happen (2 words)
  12. 25. also known as Visible Crime as these types of crimes are very much publicized by local and national news (2 words)
  13. 26. less serious crime that usually is punished by a fine or imprisonment up to one year in a local jail
  1. 1. a serious crime that is punished by one or more years in a state or federal prison
  2. 2. the person accused of committing a crime
  3. 3. Drug trafficking, kidnapping for ransom, and human trafficking are all examples of what type of crime?
  4. 5. Latin for “guilty act” (2 words)
  5. 6. the steps taken and decisions made during the investigation, accusation, arrest, trial, verdict and sentencing of a person arrested for committing a crime (2 words)
  6. 8. one of the elements of mens rea: when a person commits a crime and the exact result intended occurs (2 words)
  7. 9. this type of law focuses on settling disputes between individuals or organizations with monetary compensation being the “punishment”
  8. 10. one of the elements of mens rea: when the defendant is liable for his/her actions regardless of the intent or mental state at the time of committing the criminal action (2 words)
  9. 11. government’s side in the criminal case that is trying to prove defendant’s guilt
  10. 14. one of the elements of mens rea: when a person commits a criminal act unintentionally because of an extreme lack of care (2 words)
  11. 17. one of the basic elements of a crime: the act has to cause the harmful act that was intended
  12. 18. – level of burden of proof needed to find defendant guilty in a criminal case (4 words)
  13. 19. Last name of individual who was found not guilty in the criminal case for the murders of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman
  14. 21. The Boston Marathon Bombing is an example of what type of crime?
  15. 24. one of the basic elements of a crime: an action that is defined by law as being forbidden OR failure to act (2 words)