Types of farming (agriculture)

  1. 2. Growing produce to to sell
  2. 7. Farming- growing crops, rearing animals
  3. 11. Only growing enough food to feed yourself
  4. 13. Clearing an area of ground of vegetation
  5. 14. Cultivating crops
  6. 16. requires a lot of input, usually in a small area
  1. 1. Additional waste derived from an animal
  2. 3. growing fruit and vegetables commercially
  3. 4. Things you do to the input
  4. 5. Agriculture practiced in one place only
  5. 6. rearing livestock by travelling with them
  6. 8. Things you need to start any business or system
  7. 9. Raising domestic birds
  8. 10. Rearing animals
  9. 12. Rearing in farming
  10. 15. Farming both crops and animals