Types of Illness

  1. 2. A virus that causes the flu
  2. 4. The person who we see when we are sick
  3. 8. Means the same as communicable
  4. 10. Unable to get sick from a specific disease
  5. 11. An illness that can't be shared
  6. 13. Feeling well enough to do what you want
  1. 1. A disease that effects blood sugar
  2. 3. Can be given to other people
  3. 5. A medicine that keeps us from getting sick
  4. 6. When the doctor injects something with a needle
  5. 7. A disease that causes breathing problems
  6. 9. Small living things
  7. 12. Something that lasts a long time
  8. 14. Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
  9. 15. Human immunodeficiency virus