Types of Law

  1. 2. an amount of money awarded as a remedy in civil law
  2. 5. literally means 'wrong'
  3. 6. police formally allege that a person has committed a crime
  4. 9. the party brining the case on behalf of the state in criminal law
  5. 11. a part who in civil law is alleged to have breached civil law
  6. 12. to confirm a common law by making it into statute
  7. 15. the principle that lower courts need to follow decisions of higher courts
  8. 16. ____ cohesion is a term used to describe the willingness of members of society to cooperate with each other to survive and propser
  9. 18. an independent group of people chosen at random to decide the outcome of a trial
  10. 19. the person who is suspected of having committed a crime
  11. 22. a party who makes a legal claim against another in civil law
  12. 23. a sanction can be applied if a person is found to be this
  1. 1. when an offender is found guilty by the court, the records will reflect this in their criminal record
  2. 3. to cancel or abolish a court made law by passing a statute
  3. 4. a civil law under which a person can claim their reputation has been damaged
  4. 7. an act or omission punishable by law
  5. 8. to take action against another in civil law
  6. 10. a penalty handed down by the court in criminal law
  7. 13. the part who bring the prosecution in criminal law on behalf of the crown
  8. 14. one of the principles of justice, ______ means that all people should be able to understand their legal rights and pursue their case
  9. 17. the person who has been charged with a criminal offence
  10. 20. a law passed by parliament
  11. 21. law an area of law that defines the rights and responsibilities of individuals and groups