Types of Natural Disasters

  1. 2. Everything is dry there has been no water in the river for years now.
  2. 4. What makes the ground shake.
  3. 6. Most ________ eruptions are in the "Ring of Fire."
  4. 8. We were put into quarantine because of the ______ going around.
  5. 10. The rainstorm disturbed the natural slope of the land and caused a _______.
  6. 11. The forest is in danger there is a ________.
  7. 12. Large snowstorms that can last for up to four hours
  1. 1. As the snow melted it caused our river to overflow and put our small town into a ________.
  2. 3. The most recent _______ was Ian.
  3. 5. This phenomenon happens when violent rotating winds and air make contact with the Earth's surface, it causes great destruction.
  4. 7. When large masses of snow start tumbling, falling, and throwing debris into the air.
  5. 9. When a ________ occurs it's usually because of a sudden large displacement of the ocean.