U1 Q1

  1. 3. of organization atom, molecule, biological molecule, organelle, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism, *species, *population, *community, *ecosystem, *biome
  2. 4. system hormone system
  3. 7. membranes membranes around abdominal organs
  4. 9. system brain and nerve system
  5. 10. cavity spinal cord and vertebral column space
  6. 12. system reproduction system
  7. 15. cavity head space
  8. 19. balance between internal and external environments ex temp, pressure, pH; can be positive or negative feedback; pathway: stimulus-receptor-control center- effector-response
  9. 22. system heart and blood vessel system
  10. 23. system breakdown food and get nutrients system
  11. 24. system breathing system
  12. 25. study of structure
  13. 26. system immune system
  14. 30. membrane membranes around the heart
  15. 32. cavity chest space
  1. 1. membrane membranes around the lungs
  2. 2. of life water, food, *macro and micro nutrients, oxygen, heat, pressure
  3. 5. system muscle system
  4. 6. feedback homeostatic mechanism where control center causes a response that negates the stimulus
  5. 8. cavity upper region of abdominopelvic cavity; includes the stomach, liver, and small intestine
  6. 11. portion of the body that includes the arms and legs
  7. 13. portion of the body that consists of the head, neck, and trunk
  8. 14. study of function
  9. 16. feedback homeostatic mechanism where control center causes a response that increases the stimulus
  10. 17. cavity abdomen and pelvic space
  11. 18. system "skin", hair, and nails system
  12. 20. of living things response to stimuli, growth, reproduction, organization, gain nutrients, metabolism, homeostasis
  13. 21. system bone system
  14. 27. cavity lower region of abdominopelvic cavity; includes the bladder and reproductive organs
  15. 28. outer tissue or membrane layer outside the organ
  16. 29. system urine production and excretion system
  17. 31. inner tissue or membrane layer around an organ