
  1. 2. (adj) not expensive
  2. 6. (n phr) power which comes from natural resources, like the sun or wind
  3. 10. (n) a way of doing things
  4. 11. (n) terrible accidents which cause a lot of damage
  5. 13. (v) to give something
  6. 14. (n) a way of solving a problem
  7. 15. (adj) relating to the air, water and land
  8. 17. (n) advantages
  1. 1. (n) a type of machine which uses air or water to produce power
  2. 2. (adj) different
  3. 3. (adj) small in amount or number
  4. 4. (adj) continuing for a long time
  5. 5. (n) a very dangerous or difficult situation
  6. 7. (v) to build something by putting parts together
  7. 8. (n) someone who disagrees with an idea
  8. 9. (n) something you have and can use
  9. 12. (n) the possibility of something bad happening
  10. 13. (v) to make something, like air or water, dirty or harmful
  11. 16. (phr v) to use all of something so that there is none left