
  1. 2. the lion sin
  2. 6. the human soul reaper
  3. 7. the serpent sin
  4. 9. the sayian raised on earth
  5. 11. the last Uchiha
  6. 13. the prince of all Saiyans
  7. 15. the boar sin
  8. 16. the orange Hokage
  1. 1. the goat sin
  2. 3. the dragon sin
  3. 4. the master of 3 swords
  4. 5. the copy ninja
  5. 8. the white fang of the leaf
  6. 10. the grizzly sin
  7. 12. the fox sin
  8. 14. the pirate boy
  9. 17. the creator of the avan strash