Uncle Tony April 2020

  1. 3. famous railway engineer
  2. 4. is it a mule or a train?
  3. 6. a third type of puzzle
  4. 7. rubber stopper or relative?
  5. 10. your first home
  6. 12. collective term for flock of goldfinches
  7. 14. beery boat race landmark
  8. 16. colour of your German insect
  1. 1. another type of puzzle
  2. 2. rose coloured 'river horse' logo
  3. 3. shortened Robert's winter transport
  4. 5. colourful final resting place
  5. 6. popeye's favourite
  6. 8. venue for 2019 world rowing championships
  7. 9. this great niece may be a campanologist
  8. 11. Oxfordshire rowing venue
  9. 13. word puzzle
  10. 15. this great niece moves boats