Understanding Money

  1. 2. _____________ your spending can help you know where your money is being spent
  2. 4. Money you borrow and promise to pay back later
  3. 6. When you must give one thing up to get something else its called an _________ cost
  4. 7. A wage is an amount paid per hour worked, but a __________ is a set income paid regularly
  5. 8. Money you need to pay back
  6. 9. Before buying something you want, you should buy something you _________
  7. 12. A ________ is a plan for using your money over a set period of time
  8. 13. Food, water, and _____________ are examples of needs
  1. 1. If you have limited means you will need to __________ necessities over wants
  2. 3. When your Credit ______ is good, other people are more likely to lend you money
  3. 5. If you have ______ means, you can't have everything
  4. 7. ____________ money can help you meet goals and prepare for emergencies
  5. 10. _________ reviews are a reliable source of info when researching a product you will buy
  6. 11. Product ___________ may not give the best information about a potential purchase
  7. 13. Cutting back on expenses can help you _____ money