Unhelpful advice

  1. 2. Transport for 1-Down
  2. 5. Charlene Mitchell to Scott Robinson
  3. 6. Slow onset cold
  4. 9. Foucault compiles a case for defense
  5. 11. Nor partner
  6. 12. Spelling mnemonic violated in all answers in this puzzle
  7. 14. £1 coin performs the subject
  8. 15. (With 16 Down) In which Kelly LeBrock is virtually Eliza Doolittle
  9. 16. See: 15 Down
  1. 1. Vixen, for one
  2. 3. Bow out before asking, "What’s the deal?"
  3. 4. Muscle gains got me feeling some type of whey
  4. 7. Like undyed wool or processed carbohydrates
  5. 8. Joe’s juice
  6. 9. Daily to-do on Horace’s agenda
  7. 10. Like jeans found in a car hole
  8. 13. Heavy burden for Percy or Gordon