Unicorn Facts

  1. 4. Color of Unicorn’s eyes
  2. 6. A baby unicorn is called a ...
  3. 8. Not capable of being domesticated.
  4. 9. In Chinese mythology, a Unicorn is known as
  1. 1. A flying horse
  2. 2. According to mythology, whoever touches a pure White Unicorn, will find ___________ in his entire life.
  3. 3. What the Unicorn eats?
  4. 5. Horse with wings like Pegasus and the horn of a unicorn.
  5. 7. This underwater creature's horn looks like a Unicorn horn.
  6. 8. In the middle ages it was known as a symbol of purity and grace.
  7. 10. Were thought to be medicinally useful against poisons.