Unit 02: Paradigms, Theory, and Research

  1. 3. A type of theory or perspective aimed at understanding the ‘big picture’ of institutions, whole societies, and the interactions among societies.
  2. 8. A scientific tool for measuring a variable.
  3. 9. A micro-level paradigm that focuses on meaning, and how individuals communicate in order to make their social settings meaningful. (two-words)
  4. 13. A type of theory or perspective aimed at understanding social life at the intimate level of individuals and their interactions.
  5. 15. A set of interrelated propositions used for understanding observed realities.
  6. 17. The procedure used for linking the abstract (concepts) to the concrete.
  7. 18. Empirical ___________ is the logical process for transforming a theoretical proposition into a research hypothesis.
  8. 19. The building blocks of a theory (the ideas) that represents an expression of a relationship between concepts.
  9. 21. The criterion for assessing thinking in terms of its logical consistency.
  10. 22. __________ theory is an approach to theory construction that generates ideas to account for observed empirical patterns.
  11. 23. Theoretical propositions that are assumed to be true.
  12. 24. __________ theory is a paradigm that can be both at the micro- and macro-level where the main focus is on patriarchy.
  1. 1. A macro-level paradigm that focuses on societal values, and is interested in how social institutions contribute to social stability.
  2. 2. __________ theory construction is the process based on the discovery of patterns that leads to the construction of propositions that lead to theory construction.
  3. 4. The process of transplanting abstract concepts into variables that indicate the concepts.
  4. 5. A theoretical perspective that includes a set of assumptions about reality that guide research questions.
  5. 6. The criterion that it is possible for empirical evidence to disconfirm a hypothesis.
  6. 7. A quality of mind that is open to new ideas and evidence.
  7. 10. A series of observations with high inter-subjective reliability.
  8. 11. The process of applying a tool to an object to determine its score on a variable.
  9. 12. A theoretically informed expectation about empirical patterns expressed as a relationship between variables.
  10. 14. __________ definition represents the steps of observing abstract concepts at the concrete level.
  11. 16. _________ theory is a macro-level paradigm that focuses on class inequality, and how privileged groups seek to maintain their advantages over disadvantaged groups.
  12. 20. The belief in an objective reality independent of human experience.