unit 1

  1. 2. Find the solutions to an equation, inequality, or system.
  2. 3. A letter (like x) that we can use to mean different numbers at different times.
  3. 4. A mathematical sentence with an equals sign (like 3x+5=11).
  4. 6. A 2-dimensional flat surface used for plotting points, lines, curves, and regions. It contains an x and a y axis which intersect at the origin.
  5. 10. When the points on a grid are not all on a straight line, but seem to have a somewhat linear pattern, you can find a line that is the “best fit” (closest) to the points.
  6. 13. The study of mathematical symbols and the rules for manipulating those symbols.
  7. 16. An expression that is used to compute a value.
  8. 17. A whole number or the negative of a whole number. For instance, 37 and 0 and −5 are integers
  9. 19. A mathematical sentence that uses one of the symbols <, >, ≤, or ≥.
  10. 20. A single fixed number (unlike a variable, whose value can vary).
  11. 21. A point on a 2-dimensional plane is described by a pair (x,y). The coordinate x is given by the labels below the grid, and the coordinate y is given by the labels to the left of the grid.
  12. 22. The point on a coordinate plane where the x-axis and y-axis intersect. It is represented by the coordinates (0,0).
  13. 23. Using the distributive law to add any two multiples of an expression such as x. For example, you can simplify 4x+5x into 9x.
  14. 24. Each of the four sections of a coordinate plane made by the intersecting x- and y-axes. The four quadrants are labeled I, II, III, and IV, counterclockwise from the top right.
  15. 25. One of the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, ... .
  16. 27. Going from side to side, like the horizon.
  1. 1. The distance a number is from 0
  2. 5. In an equation or inequality, a number that can be substituted for the variable to make that equation or inequality true.
  3. 7. Make a variable appear alone on one side of an equation or inequality, and not occur in the other side of the equation or inequality.
  4. 8. A value greater than zero (like 3).
  5. 9. Going up and down.
  6. 11. A combination of variables and numbers using arithmetic (like 6−x).
  7. 12. In a power, the number of times the base is multiplied by itself.
  8. 14. In an expression or equation, eliminating a variable by replacing it with another expression that it is equal to.
  9. 15. A value less than zero (like −3).
  10. 18. A constant that a variable or expression is multiplied by.
  11. 26. Two fractions are equivalent if they have the same numerical value. Two equations or inequalities are equivalent if they have the same solution set.